“You Will Be Blown Away” – David Harbour On The Season 4 Vol. 2 Finale Of Stranger Things

"Stranger Things",

David Harbour, a member of the TV show’s cast, has a clear message: “You’ll be blown away. Not only that, but he also made some insightful observations about the season finale, which may horrify some viewers.

David Harbour on the season finale of Stranger Things

The sci-fi thriller set in the early 1980s, which returned last month with its first volume, left fans with gaping jaws. David Harbour, one of the show’s key protagonists, released comments for the fans.

The actor who portrays fan-favorite character Hopper told Reuters, “If you’ve enjoyed season four up until this point, get ready because the (final two episodes) are the best thing that makes what you’ve seen look like chump change.” It is a masterpiece, magnificent and epic… However, the grandeur and scope are almost absurd, and it’s almost manga-like in its enchantment. You are going to be stunned.”


David continued, “It’s zeitgeist. “I’ve never been a part of anything like this, but I’ve become used to what it means and my role in it after seven years,” he said.

“It’s rewarding to participate in something that has touched so many young people…

I had always envisioned a career in art films that would appeal to older audiences, and then…

I cannot pass a middle school without being harassed. Thus my participation in this event is extraordinary.”

The first volume of Stranger Things has been viewed 102.26 million hours on Netflix’s English TV List, nearly a month after its release.

The second volume of the season finale will be released on July 1, containing two two-hour-long episodes.

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