Attempt to Open Gay Club in Abbottabad Lands Man in Mental Asylum

Authorities in Abbottabad have taken drastic action by committing a man to a mental health facility after he made an unprecedented attempt to establish Pakistan’s first gay club. The man had formally submitted an application to the local deputy commissioner, articulating the club’s potential to serve as a valuable resource for gay, bisexual, and even straight individuals in Abbottabad and other parts of Pakistan.

In his detailed application, he emphasized that the club would strictly adhere to all legal regulations, including Section 377 of Pakistan’s Penal Code, which criminalizes same-sex relationships. To ensure compliance, he specified that a sign would be prominently displayed at the entrance, stating that no sexual conduct would be allowed on the premises.

The Abbottabad deputy commissioner’s office confirmed to the Daily Telegraph that they had received the application and were evaluating it impartially, treating it like any other business proposal. However, the application was soon leaked on social media, leading to an immediate and intense backlash from residents and politicians in the conservative northern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The leak ignited a wave of outrage, with many expressing vehement opposition to the proposed club. A leader of the right-wing Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PATY) issued a stern warning, promising “very severe consequences” if the club were approved.

On May 9, in response to the mounting controversy, the man who had filed the application was forcibly transferred to the Sarhad Hospital for Psychiatric Diseases in Peshawar. His friends and supporters have expressed deep concern for his safety and well-being, reporting that they have been prevented from visiting him or obtaining any further information about his condition. The situation has sparked significant worry among his acquaintances, who fear for his mental and physical health under the circumstances.

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