In a heart-wrenching incident on Karsaz Road in Karachi, Natasha Danish has been thrust into the spotlight following a devastating accident that claimed the lives of a man and his daughter, leaving five others injured. Natasha, known officially as Natasha Ali Mohammed, is the wife of Danish Iqbal Ali Mohammed, the Chairman of Gul Ahmed Energy Limited.
The City Court on Tuesday sent Natasha, the suspect in the fatal crash, on a one-day physical remand. The special magistrate judge has ordered her presence in court tomorrow (Wednesday) with a proper medical report. The investigation officer, Amir Altaf, had initially requested a seven-day remand for Natasha.
Following the accident, Natasha was taken into custody by police and Rangers. Her vehicle was impounded, and she was transported to Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC) for a medical check-up due to an injury to her head. According to the report, Natasha’s psychiatric condition was so critical that JPMC’s psychiatric specialist, Dr. Chunni Laal, admitted her to the hospital, deeming her unfit to appear in court.
Adding complexity to the case, social media is rife with allegations that Natasha was intoxicated at the time of the accident. Eyewitnesses and videos circulating online seem to support these claims. However, the police report has so far dismissed the allegations of intoxication.
Critics are also accusing Natasha of receiving preferential treatment due to her husband’s wealth and influence, further fueling the controversy surrounding the case.
The suspect’s lawyer, Amir Mansoob, argued that Natasha has been under psychiatric treatment for five years, and such patients often experience memory loss and disorientation. He claimed that she took the vehicle without permission and that her current condition prevents her from being adequately represented in court.
As the legal and social media storm around Natasha continues, more shocking details are anticipated to emerge. Stay tuned for further updates on this tragic incident