Gucci, Adidas’ three lakh rupee umbrella is ineffective against rain.


Gucci and Adidas AG are receiving an onslaught of criticism in China for selling an umbrella that costs over Rs 3 lakh ($1,644) and is not waterproof.

On the Chinese social media platform Weibo, criticism of the product referred to as a “sun umbrella” has gone viral.

The umbrella is not water-resistant, according to the Gucci website. According to Gucci’s website, it is “not waterproof and intended for sun protection or ornamental use.”

Over 140 million people viewed a hashtag on Weibo that stated, “the umbrella being sold for 11,100 yuan is not waterproof.”

A Gucci representative informed the Beijing-based publication Caijing that the device was “not suited for daily usage as an umbrella.”

In addition, it has “excellent collector value and can be used as an everyday accessory.”

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