Friends and family are likely to have an opinion about your new partner. However, one element is likely to generate the most interest: an age difference.
If they are significantly older or younger than you, family and friends will generally view this negatively. They may advise you against participating.
Remember that you are not the first to endure this type of evaluation. When a celebrity begins dating someone significantly older or younger than they are, the right-wing media becomes most vocal.
Numerous famous persons have accomplished this. In 2015, comedian Stephen Fry wed a man 30 years younger than himself. Cheryl Fernandez Versini began dating Liam Payne, eleven years her junior, in February 2013. Both couples generated several headlines.
So why do people fear the age gap?

People appear to frequently question the intentions of one partner in an age-gap relationship. They doubt the authenticity of their emotions. Statistical evidence supports these suspicions. Relationships with significant age gaps do not appear to endure, and those between spouses of similar ages.
In 2014, a study with over 3,000 participants was done on age discrepancy in relationships. Published by Emory University, the study found that a five-year age difference increased the likelihood of divorce by 18 percent. The risk increased to 39 percent for couples with a 10-year age gap and 95 percent for those with a 20-year age gap. The happiest age gap in a partnership, according to the research, is one year, with only 3% of those relationships ending in divorce.
Each relationship is unique.
Despite the odds being stacked against your relationship, it is essential to remember that you are not a number. Only the dynamics between you and your partner will determine whether your relationship will endure.

There are numerous benefits to having an older or younger partner, and many individuals feel that different age relationships can be successful. For example, younger men are frequently attracted to older women because they are more confident and secure than women their age. A woman in her forties may have a greater sexual drive than a younger woman. Moreover, a man’s sexual peak typically occurs in his twenties or thirties. In addition, older women are frequently financially independent and secure, so younger men do not have to worry about providing for them.
In the opposite circumstance, when a younger woman dates an older man, there are also advantages. For instance, some women perceive older men to be more compatible mentally and reliable than younger guys. Life experience can make them calmer, more thoughtful, and more attentive to their younger partner’s requirements. Some younger women find it attractive to date an older man who is more financially secure than they are. However, this is dependent upon the individual.
If you find yourself attracted to a much younger or older man, it is best to maintain an open mind and handle the relationship as you would any other. Try not to be affected by what others say or think, and instead concentrate on one another. You will soon determine whether your relationship has a future.