Will Imran khan win the next elections 2023?

Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi, the 22nd Prime Minister of Pakistan, is a former cricketer-turned-politician. Moreover, he is the leader of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

Imran Khan – Current Events

Former Pakistani prime minister Imran Khan was indicted on terrorist charges and for intimidating a judge and a police officer. Khan will likely be apprehended soon. Since his dismissal, Khan has actively organized rallies and openly criticized the Pakistani military and judicial system.

Imran Khan Biography: Imran Khan, a former cricketer turned politician, is Pakistan’s 22nd and current Prime Minister. A coalition of three opposition parties, Pakistan Muslim League (N), Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), and Jamat Ulema-Islam (F), have submitted a no-confidence resolution against him to the Speaker of the National Assembly, making his continued tenure as prime minister questionable. In addition, several members of his party and alliance partners have turned against him. Let’s examine his life amidst rumours that Imran Khan’s government may soon be overthrown.

Since his election in 2018, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has been facing the greatest challenge to his reign. Khan’s opponents accuse him of escalating the nation’s economic instability. No prime minister has ever been removed from office by a vote of no confidence in Pakistan’s history.

The coalition of three opposition parties, Pakistan Muslim League (N), Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), and Jamat Ulema-Islam (F), had tabled a motion of no confidence on March 8, 2022. The hearings were extended to March 31, 2022, following the Motion of No Confidence submission against Imran Khan in the National Assembly, which received 161 affirmative votes. The Pakistani Minister of the Interior, Sheikh Rasheed Ahmad, announced on the 29th of March 2022 that the National Assembly would begin debating the No-Confidence Motion against Prime Minister Imran Khan on the 31st of March 2022 and vote on it on the 3rd of April 2022. The United Opposition has urged that the election of a new Prime Minister be added to the agenda for the National Assembly session set for 31 March 2022 to discuss the No-Confidence Motion against PM Imran Khan.

Imran Khan’s Political Profession

During his cricket career, Imran Khan was given political posts; the then-president of Pakistan, Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, gave him a job in the Pakistan Muslim League (PML), and former prime minister Nawaz Sharif encouraged him to join his political party, which he declined.

Khan joined a group led by former ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) chief Hamid Gul and Muhammad Ali Durrani, the chairman of Pasban, a breakaway youth wing of Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan, in 1994.

Imran Khan created Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on April 25, 1996, and competed as a PTI candidate for the National Assembly of Pakistan seat in the 1997 Pakistani general election. He ran for office in two constituencies but lost.

Imran Khan backed the 1999 military coup led by General Pervez Musharraf and believed he would curb corruption. In 2002, he was also offered the position of prime minister by General Musharraf, but he declined.

Khan, along with 85 other MPs, resigned from Parliament on October 2, 2007, protesting General Musharraf’s participation in the presidential election without retiring as Army Chief. On November 3, 2007, after General Musharraf announced a state of emergency in Pakistan, Khan was arrested. He later escaped and joined a student protest on November 14 at the University of Punjab, where he was arrested and mistreated by student activists. Later, he was detained at the rally and sent to the Dera Ghazi Khan jail in Punjab, but he was released a few days later.

Khan addressed hundreds of thousands of fans in Lahore on 30 October 2011 and Karachi on 25 December 2011 over the government’s tough policies.

Imran Khan initiated his public relations activities for the 2013 Pakistani elections on April 21, 2013. Khan spoke at public events in many regions of Pakistan, including Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Seraiki belt cities, etc. He declared that his party would implement a unified education system in which the affluent and poor would have equal possibilities. He concluded his campaign by addressing Islamabad supporters via a video in which he was lying in a hospital bed in Lahore with head injuries after falling from a forklift at the platform’s edge.

Pakistan held elections on 11 May 2013, and Pakistan Muslim League (N) won with a majority. However, PTI emerged as the second-largest party in Karachi and won 30 directly elected seats in the Pakistani parliament. PTI became the third largest party in the National Assembly, after Pakistan People’s Party and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was beset by militancy, but the PTI formed provincial administration and offered a tax-free, well-balanced budget for the 2013-14 fiscal year.

Imran Khan believed that dialogue might stop terrorism in Pakistan and offered to create an office in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. In retribution for the killing of Talibani leader Hakimullah Mehsud by the United States, he requested that the Pakistani government disrupt the NATO supply route.

On November 14, 2013, Khan ordered the removal of Qaumi Watan Party (QWP) ministers and instructed Chief Minister Pervez Khan Khattak to dissolve the coalition with QWP. Bakht Baidar and Ibrar Hussain Kamoli of the QWP, who were ministers for Manpower & Industry and Forest & Environment, were fired. The Chief Minister fired Yousuf Ayub Khan, the Minister for Communication and Works for the PTI, due to his bogus degree.

Imran Khan: Pakistan General Elections in 2018

In the 2018 Pakistani General Elections, Imran Khan competed in five constituencies. He was the first individual in Pakistan’s history to contest and win in all five constituencies. In 1970, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who had previously run in four constituencies, won three.

In May 2018, the PTI announced a 100-day plan for the incoming government, which included the creation of a new province in Southern Punjab, the expedited merger of Federally Administered Tribal Areas into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the improvement of law and order in Karachi, and the improvement of relations with Baloch political leaders.

Imran Khan’s Victory Address Following the 2018 Elections

Following his victory in the 2018 Pakistan General Election, Khan outlined numerous objectives for his future government and declared that he would establish Pakistan as a humanitarian state based on the ideas of the first Islamic state, Medina. He added that his party would work for the improvement of the disadvantaged. Khan further stated that everyone would be treated equally under the law, the Prime Minister’s House would be transformed into an educational institute, and the governors’ residences would be used for the public good.

He desired to learn from China and improve relations with Afghanistan, the United States, India, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan

On August 6, 2018, the PTI formally nominated Imran Khan for the position of prime minister. Imran Khan became the 22nd Prime Minister of Pakistan on August 17, 2018, and took the oath of office on August 18, 2018. After assuming the oath of office, he reorganised Pakistan’s bureaucracy and, in 2019, reorganised the ministries of interior, finance, information technology, and planning

Due to the economic crisis, Khan stressed that Pakistan must retain good relations with Saudi Arabia following the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

During the coronavirus pandemic, the government, led by Imran Khan, launched the largest charity program in Pakistan’s history, a nearly $1 billion fund to assist the poorest portion of the population.

Imran Khan: Net Worth, Assets, and Additional Information

The net worth of Imran Khan decreased from 160,000 USD in 2012 to 99,000 USD in 2013. (elections were held in Pakistan). In 2014, his net worth climbed to 240,000 USD; in 2015, it was 9.4 Million USD, and in 2017 it increased to 9.9 Million USD.

Imran Khan owns a 300 Kanal mansion in Bani Gala, valued at USD 5,300,000, and property in Zaman Park, Lahore, valued at USD 210,000. He has also invested a total of $280,000 in many businesses. Imran Khan owns 39 kanals of agricultural land in Talhar and 530 Kanal in Khanewal. Khan also owns furniture valued at $4,200 and livestock valued at $1,400. Imran Khan paid 540 USD in taxes in 2015 and 1,100 USD in taxes in 2016.

The Global Public Image of Imran Khan

In 2013, Mohammad Hanif described Khan’s popularity as appealing “to the educated middle classes, but Pakistan’s primary problem is a lack of educated urban middle-class residents” in The Guardian.

In 2012, Pankaj Mishra described Khan as a “coherent picture out of his—and Pakistan’s—conflicting identities” in The New York Times, adding that “his identification with the suffering masses and his attacks on his affluent, English-speaking peers have long been mocked in the living rooms of Lahore and Karachi as the hypocritical ravings of “I’m the Dim” and “Taliban Khan”—the two preferred monikers.

3-On March 18, 2012, Khan did attend the India Today Conference due to the presence of Salman Rushdie, alleging the “incalculable pain” that Rushdie’s books have caused Muslims around the globe. Khan was condemned by Salman Rushdie, who referred to him as a “dictator-in-waiting.”

4- In 2011, Richard Leiby described Khan as an underdog in The Washington Post, adding that he “often speaks like a pro-democracy liberal but is well-known for his cosy relationship with hardline Islamist groups.”

5- In 2014, Ayesha Siddiqa stated in The Express Tribune, “while we can all sympathize with Khan’s right to shift the political tone, he should consider how he would put the genie back into the bottle if he were to become prime minister of this country.”

6- H. M. Naqvi described Khan as “kind of a Ron Paul character,” adding, “there is no stench of corruption, and his message is anti-establishment.”

Declan Walsh characterized Imran Khan as a “miserable politician,” adding, “Khan’s beliefs and affiliations since joining politics in 1996 have swerved and skidded like a rickshaw in a downpour… One day he preaches democracy, and the next he votes for reactionary mullahs.” [228] Some opponents and detractors have also accused Khan of hypocrisy and opportunism, including what The Guardian referred to as his life’s “playboy to puritan U-turn.”

8- Najam Sethi observed, “A large portion of the Imran Khan story is him retracting a number of previous statements, which is why this does not inspire people.”

9- Author Fatima Bhutto has criticized Khan for his “great coziness, not with the military, but with authoritarianism,” in addition to some of his political decisions.

10- Throughout his cricket career, Khan appeared in a number of advertisements, including Pepsi Pakistan, Brooke Bond, Thumbs Up (with Sunil Gavaskar), and Cinnhol.

11- Bollywood actor Dev Anand offered him a role in his 1990 sports action-thriller film Awwal Number, but Khan declined, citing his lack of acting ability. Aditya Pancholi was cast in the role instead.

In 2010, a Pakistani production company developed Kaptaan: The Making of a Legend, a biographical film based on Khan’s life. The title, which is Urdu for ‘Captain,’ depicts Khan’s captaincy and career with the Pakistan cricket team that led them to victory in the 1992 cricket World Cup, Khan as a playboy, the death of his mother to his efforts and endeavors in constructing the first cancer hospital in Pakistan, the first Chancellor of the University of Bradford to the construction of Namal University.

Imran Khan: Contentiousness

Ayesha Gulalai accused Imran Khan of harassing her on August 1, 2017, claiming she had received offensive messages from him since October 2013. Ayesha Gulalai later declared that she will forgive him if he apologizes.

Imran Khan’s Authorial Work

Imran Khan has published six nonfiction titles, including an autobiography co-authored by Patrick Murphy and himself. West and East (1975), Imran: The Autobiography of Imran Khan (1983), Imran Khan’s Cricket Skills (1989), Indus Journey: A Personal View of Pakistan (1991), All Round View (1992), Warrior Race: A Journey Through the Land of the Tribal Pathans (1993), and Pakistan: A Personal History (1994). (2011).

Imran Khan, the 22nd Prime Minister of Pakistan, is an inspiration to many despite his controversial past, which includes ball tampering and multiple marriages. He has taught the two cricketers his bowling methods and has on numerous instances made history in both his cricket and political careers. He urged militants to conversation in an effort to end terrorism in Pakistan, demonstrating his belief in nonviolent approaches to the most difficult issues.

Tosha Khana judgment

Imran Khan, former prime minister and chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), instructed party members to engage in peaceful protests following the Election Commission of Pakistan’s (ECP) judgement in the Tosha Khan case.

It should be recalled that the ECP had disqualified Imran Khan in the Tosha Khana reference, declared his National Assembly seat void, and ordered criminal proceedings to be initiated against him, resulting in nationwide protests.

On the other hand, according to sources with knowledge of the PTI, the former prime minister presided over an important meeting conducted in Bani Gala. During the meeting, an update on the ECP’s decision was also provided.

The senior leadership reportedly assessed the preparations for the lengthy march at a consultative meeting, according to further sources. During the conference, it has been determined not to stir protests in the country.

The PTI chairman is also expected to address the nation later in the evening, according to other sources.

PTI stages protest

Earlier, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) supporters flooded the nation’s streets after the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) banned the party’s head and former prime minister, Imran Khan, in the Toshakhana case.

Workers from the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) reacted to Imran Khan’s disqualification by blocking major roadways around the nation to voice their support for the former prime minister.

The administration has alerted the police and other security agencies in order to prevent any unpleasant incident.

On the other hand, upon receiving the protest call, the PTI leadership in Peshawar closed the Peshawar highway (M-1) while PTI workers in Faizabad blocked the Zero Point Highway. Additionally, activists obstructed the road leading to the Lady Reading Hospital. Additionally, PTI supporters in Lahore began to protest in several locations throughout the city.

In addition to Karachi, Multan, Gujranwala, Rahim Yar Khan, Sahiwal, and other places around the nation, PTI supporters began to demonstrate.

It is worth noting that earlier today, the ECP released a verdict in the Toshakhana case and disqualified the PTI chairman in the case, causing party stalwarts and workers to shrug off the decision of Imran’s disqualification in the Toshakhana case.

How PM Khan and the PTI will win in 2023

Prime Minister Imran Khan has significantly more influence than his adversaries give him credit for, and he has used this position to make five bets that will determine the country’s fortunes and his own political future in the near to medium term.

As we approach October 2021, these five wagers by PM Khan will define the near-term direction of the nation. The next general election will be shaped by the outcomes in Afghanistan, negotiations with the global financial system, domestic harmony, and the capacity to fight and defeat a resurgent TTP.

PM Khan needs GDP growth, he needs to continue foiling intrigue in Lahore using Buzdar as a decoy, he needs enough young Punjabis and Pakhtuns to believe in him, he needs to out-hustle and out-Muslim the domestic radical right wing, and he needs to maintain the support of the military’s rank and file. If he is successful, he may not only become the first Pakistani prime minister to complete his term, but he may also position himself and his party to win in 2023.

The author provides analysis and commentary.

Survey Questions

By doing surveys we led to some main questions by public, drop your suggestions to it:

1.   What are your thoughts about Imran Khan as Pakistan’s​ prime minister?

2.   As a Pakistani, what do you think about the future of your country under the leadership of Imran Khan?

3.   Who is behind the removal of Imran Khan as the Pakistan Prime Minister?

4.   Why is Imran Khan hated among Pakistani liberals?

5.   What do you think about Imran Khan’s politics in Pakistan?

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