Why are we so fearful of those who are not afraid to be unique?

Why are we so fearful

We are introduced to Hazim Bangwar, the recently appointed Assistant Commissioner (AC) of North Nazimbad Karachi, in a world rife with moral policing and the continual struggle between right and wrong. The 29-year-old commissioner, also known as the “cool” commissioner, has been accused of “imitating women” due to his unique fashion taste and the way he carries himself, while others have classified him as transgender or even female.

Bangwar is not what one would expect from a bureaucrat in Pakistan. Bureaucrats are typically regarded as serious, sober individuals who adhere to a dress code. Our mental image of a government employee is a guy or woman wearing glasses, a shalwar kameez, and possibly sunglasses. Some of the elderly are attired in elegant jackets and ties.

And here comes Bangwar, a breath of fresh air who defies the norms and appears to be the country’s most unorthodox Assistant Commissioner.

Bangwar is not a conventional air conditioner. This ultra-chic air conditioner deviates from our normal conception of masculinity, and that is what many cannot stomach. Therefore, we must ask: why are we so fearful of those who aren’t afraid to be unique? Numerous individuals posted an alleged copy of a tweet attributed to Hazim in August 2018 that contained a rainbow flag and the message “Happy Pride Month.” Hazim assured a news organization that the post is fictitious. There is no such tweet on Hazim’s official Twitter account.

Whereas many were prepared to criticize him for his fashion taste and decision to live differently, others said that Bangwar is the change we all require. Many people came out to applaud the 29-year-old AC for his hard work and kindness as an officer.

Recently, Bangwar stated that he can be assessed by his job, but that his personal actions have no influence on his professional life. The AC is mocked online for purportedly being transgender. In response, he stated that he is not transgender but rather male. However, the tendency for people to refer to him as a lady or a transgender is quite disrespectful. One wonders, Is it horrible to be a woman? Or is being a third gender bad?

May we all learn to be unique and live our lives as we see fit in a world that is willing to criticize people for being different. Bangwar’s unapologetic coolness showed us that society and individuals need to change. Not you. Never you. Way to go, Bangwar!

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