7 Tips for a Productive Ramadan | Holy Month

Lets discuss in detail about, Tips for a Productive Ramadan.

It’s been three days since Ramadan began! How are things going? Do you feel sorrow for not being able to maximize your Ramadan experience? Because being unable to employ it when performing good deeds results in several prizes!

For being unable to quit sinning. For being so preoccupied with this world, you neglected to prepare for the hereafter.

Insha’Allah, the following seven recommendations will help you maximize your performance throughout Ramadan.

Tips for a Productive Ramadan

First and foremost:

Make a list of the most important things to do this Ramadan that will prepare better Akhirah, and spend two to three extra hours.

Allah created us, the people, with the freedom of choice, so we can take this first step to list the most important things for us during Ramadan or our priorities.

The beauty of Islam is that even having the will to do good will earn you rewards, as well as acting on that purpose.

Thus, you should create the list before moving on to the second necessity.

This is my list as an illustration:

Tips for a Productive Ramadan:

Insha’Allah, I shall devote one hour daily to learning Qur’anic Arabic. I have greatly benefited from The Qur’an Academy’s short courses on reading and comprehending the Qur’an.

During the month of Ramadan, they are offering their courses at a steep discount. Here, you have access to all of their studies.

Insha’Allah, I shall learn my prophet’s seerah (life story) (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) by reading at least two authentic, high-quality books on the subject. (30 min every day)

Insha Allah, I shall read the entire Qur’an in Arabic once (40-45 min per day)

Insha Allah, I shall read the translation of the Qur’an in the language I enjoy the most (40-45 min per day)

I will spend the twenty-first, twenty-third, twenty-fifth, twenty-seventh, and twenty-ninth nights of Ramadan performing extra prayers, duas (supplications), reading the Qur’an, giving to charity, etc.

This is a list of my most essential tasks or my top priorities. Your list may include Umrah (non-mandatory pilgrimag.

Ihtikaaf (spending a few days in a mosque while refraining from worldly affairs), Dawah (invitation to Islam), or any other or comparable items.

Once the priority list is complete, here comes the second must!

The first step is to determine your priorities and write them down. Here comes the actual test of taqwa (awareness of Allah).

An examination of your willpower (accepting your preferences) and you’re “won’t” power (Saying no to the non-important time stealers or the peer pressure).

Please remember that you are the list’s owner, not the list itself. These are your selected priorities.

Hence, you should feel free of the list. It enables you to make the best decisions and eliminates distractions.

Are you a prioritizer or a procrastinator?

As a procrastinator, follow Tips for a Productive Ramadan you continue to work on urgent matters despite having delayed them for some time.

It is okay to work on critical and essential tasks, but it is vital to remember that they were not necessary at one point.

As tasks are delayed for an extended period, they become urgent; therefore, if you have always procrastinated, predict what personality type you will have!

Over time, the outcome will be stress, a sensation of exhaustion, and substandard performance.

Important Tasks For Ramadan

Important but non-urgent tasks will likely never appear on your to-do list. For instance, you may have been.

These Tips for a Productive Ramadan really works.

Considering learning Qur’anic Arabic for some time, but you have probably needed more time in recent years.

Studying the Qur’an, reading the Seerah, learning Arabic, and practicing nawafil(Optional or voluntary acts) are all essential, but they are only urgent if we know our expiration date.

b) If you are a yes-person, you cannot say no because you want to please everyone. But, you should realize that it is impossible to please everyone.

To focus on your priorities, you must learn to decline requests gently.

Your list of priorities is determined by your desire to please Allah. Sometimes, if you yield to peer pressure, you may displease Allah.

Sometimes it is acceptable to adjust plans slightly, and your schedule/planner must allow for this. Still.

The issue arises when the flexibility becomes excessive,e, and the priorities are sacrificed for no logical or actual cause.


b) A slacker spends time on activities that are neither urgent nor essential.

Remember that items intended for relaxation are necessary, but as soon as you go over the line, they cease to be crucial and consume you constantly.

Those with a propensity for wasting time cannot utilize the month of Ramadan and their entire lives.

d) Prioritizers spend most of their time on important things rather than urgent ones because they prepare ahead and can maximize their possibilities.

If last Ramadan, they had read the translation of the Quran in their native language or the language they are most comfortable with.

They would have likely spent the remainder of the year studying new duas.

During Ramadan, they will study or instruct Arabic, Seerah, or another significant subject.

So, during and outside Ramadan, the prioritizers will utilize their time most effectively.

They would refrain from procrastinating, yielding to peer pressure, or wasting time on unimportant tasks. They will continue working on their priorities, eventually becoming their lifestyle.

As a result, individuals obtain greater control over their lives and, thus, a better Alkhirah, Insha Allah.

(ii) a balanced and more fruitful life, (iii) improved performance, (iv) happiness for themselves and those around them.

4) Use a Planner: Organize your month on your phone, your laptop, or in a journal (anywhere you feel most comfortable).

Use a media that you can always carry with you, something that is convenient. Include the activities from your priority list into your planner.

This will prevent you from forgetting stuff or booking yourself twice.

5) Plan from Friday to Friday: Why weekly planning? Because we think in weeks, and Friday is the most significant day with the most spiritual rewards. Assess yourself weekly.

Ask yourself: (a) What are the most crucial tasks I must complete this week? Limit your response to no more than seven to ten items.

b) Based on the nature of the task, determine the optimal periods of the week and enter them into the planner accordingly.

For instance, the best time for me (depending on my lifestyle) is to read Surah Kahf (18th Chapter) on Jumah (Friday) before the Jumah prayer .

While sitting in the masjid early in sha Allah, or perhaps the finest time to recite the magnificent Qur’an is after fajr and azkaar.

There will be chores that do not require a particular time or day, such as smiling as much as possible because it is a sunnah of my prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

Please record them in your calendar so you will be reminded to do them throughout the week.

6) Leave your comfort zone and test your courage: This Ramadan, push yourself. You haven’t pressed yourself hard enough if you haven’t been discomforted. Do not allow the fear of failure to deter you.

Our noble prophet had to leave Mecca and migrate to Madina when he urged idolaters in Mecca (his homeland) to abandon their practice of worshipping idols since Allah alone is worthy of their worship (SWT).

To fulfill the mission of cleaning the Kaaba of idols, he had to leave his comfort zone and enter his zone of daring.

His approximately 23-year-long struggle was characterised by patience and thanks to Allah (his firm faith in his creator).

Only by obeying his every command and never losing trust in his Rabb (Master) was he finally able to conquer even the hearts of his foes.

He endured a variety of atrocities and rejections and lost a great number of cherished companions.

Due to his eeman (faith) in Allah, he continued to persevere without losing patience.

Nothing worthwhile has ever been accomplished without stepping outside of one’s comfort zone and maintaining consistency.

7) Say Dua: Last but not least, seek Allah’s assistance, as Allah instructs in the Quran, Chapter 3, Verse 160: “

If Allah assists you, no one can defeat you, and if he abandons you, who can assist you after him? And in him should believers place their faith.”

May Allah assist us in optimizing this Ramadan and our life, and grant us Jannat Ferdous. God grant us the finest of both worlds. Ameen.

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