Three Simple Methods To Obtain Long, Thick Eyelashes Like A Celebrity


How many of you have been envious of another individual’s natural eyelashes? We are especially envious of the boys who have beautiful eyelashes but don’t appear to care about them. If you, like us, must apply multiple coats of mascara to achieve the desired volume or resort to false lashes to make your eyes stand out, we’ve got you covered. Instead of applying makeup and false eyelashes, we offer a few simple home cures to help you grow your natural eyelashes!

Castor Oil

Castor oil is always at the top of the list when it comes to hair development, and this situation is no exception. Castor oil on a cotton swab (also known as a Q-tip) can be applied to the eyelashes. Make sure to be careful and avoid getting anything in your eye. Leave it overnight and wash it off in the morning. Daily repetition will provide mind-blowing effects.

Vitamin E oil

Even the Kardashians swear by this hair growth tip, so you should give it a try. Vitamin E is an excellent ingredient for hydrating and moisturizing the skin, as well as encouraging hair development. Simply begin by puncturing one Vitamin E capsule and extracting its oil. Now, place a small amount of oil on your fingertips and massage the skin around your eyes lightly. In addition, this will diminish under-eye circles. You may now add the remaining oil to your lashes using a previously used and thoroughly cleansed mascara wand. Repeat this method every night and wash it off in the morning!

Green tea

Green tea is exceptionally excellent for all aspects of skin and hair care. It eliminates pollutants and allows the body’s systems to operate normally. Therefore, it becomes a surprisingly effective element for eyelash growth. Each day, you should consume at least one cup of green tea to promote eyelash growth. The tea can also be applied topically using a cotton swab. Even leaving the used tea bags on your eyes for a few minutes is an option. It depends entirely on what you find most handy!

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