The Sindh government is contemplating making significant revisions to the standards for appointing Vice Chancellors (VCs) at all province universities.
The provincial government is reportedly considering eliminating the need for a Ph.D. and publishing 15 research papers in reputable journals to appoint vice-chancellors.
In addition, the Sindh government is contemplating lowering the age limit for VCs from 65 to 62 years.
In addition, the provincial government is considering allowing civil workers, college professors, and grade 17 and above personnel of private and governmental organizations to become VCs.
To become VCs, these persons will be needed to demonstrate 20 years of expertise, including ten years of administrative experience.

In a separate development, the Secretary of Sindh Universities and Boards Department, Mureed Rahimoon, has given the Chief Minister a summary for the publication of fresh advertising for the hiring of vice-chancellors in eight universities (CM).
Among them are Mehran University of Engineering and Technology (MUET), Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences (LUMHS), Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University of Technology and Skills Development (BBSUTSD), Institute of Business Administration (IBA) Sukkur, Shaheed Allah Bakhsh University of Art Design and Heritage (SABUADH), and Error University of Art (AUA), Dawood University of Engineering and Technology (DUET), and Begum Nusrat Bhutto Women (BNBWU).
Dr. Aslam Aqeeli and Dr. Anila Atta-ur-Rehman were previously suggested by a search committee of the Universities and Boards Department to serve as the VCs of DUET and BNBWU, respectively.
If the CM accepts new advertising for the appointment of VCs at eight universities, it will be the first time the search committee’s suggestions have been rejected.