Miss Universe Contest Expands Eligibility To Include Mothers And Wives

Miss Universe

In a momentous step, the ever-popular Miss Universe pageant has broadened competition eligibility to include moms and married women. You read that correctly: beginning in 2023, neither marital nor parental status will be a qualifying requirement for pageant entrants.

The annual international beauty pageant provides a stage for hundreds of women from around the world to demonstrate their ability, worth and influence for the benefit of society. However, the Miss Universe pageant has always had strict qualifying requirements: contestants must be between 18 and 28, single, and childless. In addition, pageant winners were required to remain childless and unmarried for their reign.

The removal of the antiquated rule couldn’t have arrived better! According to sources, a Miss Universe pageant internal document states, “We all think that women should have control over their life and that a person’s personal choices should not be a barrier to their achievement.” In any case, nothing prevents women from bringing about constructive change, regardless of their particular circumstances.

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