Nimra Jacob Breathes Life Into Generation’s Latest Dreamscape Campaign!


From one newspaper headline to documented cries of anguish that appear to litter our feeds, it has seemed that the world has been tilting towards a direction that people aren’t too keen to be on. At times escaping into a dream seems to be the only way of maintaining normalcy. And we can rely on Generation’s romantasized concepts of the past to buoy up our spirits. Usually Generation’s campaigns hold a tinge of nostalgia in which old world tokens are regular features, but for their A/W campaign they decided to careen in a direction of their own. Which to many will be quite the welcomed surprise.

Dreamscape tells the visual tale of a girl who exists in a dreamlike world until she gets woken up and transported to a place in which her surroundings don’t befit who she is. She instinctively tries to escape, until she discovers a portal. Once she enters it, she sees a wall that depicts her entire life. The sight alone offers her a sense of comfort that the old must be left behind in order to make room for the new. The girl you may ask? None other than the beautiful and talented Nimra Jacob!

We’ve seen Nimra be the face of many campaigns. Yet it is this one alone that allowed us to see her depth and sagacity. From her soulful expressions to precise movements that swiftly took the viewer through her journey of transformation.

“I consider myself very lucky in the sense that this project came to me, and that too at such a pivotal time in my life. I personally am going through a period in my life where, with my principals and values still intact, I am learning to change with the current times. I want to live in the present rather than reminisce so much on the past.” Says Nimra when asked what element drew her to doing Dreamscapes.

As long as time continues to tick, the concept of change remains alive and rather than assuming that change is frightful, we should seize it and remember that the world around us doesn’t wait for those who don’t want to keep up. A message that is a breath of fresh air and we couldn’t have imagined anyone other than Nimra herself, who believes in the effervescent beauty of life in all its entirety, to be the face of it.

When asked if she’d like to be a part of more projects like these, she said: “I’d love to be a part of more projects as real as this one. It is a fulfilling feeling, knowing that you can create works of art that transcend limits and boundaries. With this project specifically, we try to show the fluctuations of life. There is bliss, confusion, chaos, peace and ultimately, coming to a sense of ownership.”

We’d like to give the entire team their much deserved flowers for this!

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