Did Feroze Khan put a gun to the head of Aliza? Refused to pay two lakh rupees every month for your children?

On September 3, actor Feroze Khan and his wife Syeda Aliza filed for divorce. Currently engaged in the appropriate legal formalities, the two were recently photographed outside the Karachi Court.

In her public statement, Aliza Sultan Khan stated, “Our four-year marriage was a complete disaster. In addition to physical and psychological assault, my spouse subjected me to infidelity, blackmail, and degradation during this time period. I have reached the regrettable decision that I cannot spend my entire life in this horrifying manner. This decision was substantially influenced by my children’s welfare and happiness. I do not want kids to grow up in a household that is toxic, ill, and violent. I fear that exposure to such a nasty environment would have a bad effect on their mental development and outlook on life. No child should ever grow up believing that violence is a natural component of relationships. I would rather teach them that no wound is too deep to heal and no scar is too embarrassing to conceal at the expense of one’s safety.”

Feroze Khan

However, according to Galaxy Lollywood, Alizay disclosed in court that Feroze frequently struck her and once placed a gun to her head in an attempt to traumatize her.

In addition, Aliza requested that Feroze pay one lac per month for each child. Since her son attends an expensive private school and her daughter is a newborn, her milk and diaper expenses alone are prohibitive as she is currently unemployed. However, Feroze refused to pay the requisite sum and indicated that he could only supply her with 20,000 instead of 2 lacs for both children. However, Feroze khan declined to say anything and paid respect and support to his children’s mother.

Feroze Khan wife

In a recent interview, the star of Khuda Aur Mohabbat 3 declared, “I want to fall in love and experience love in real life. Allah has provided us with so much, so I’d rather fall in love in real life than on television.” This drew the attention of the audience and reignited the rumors.

Feroze married Alizey in 2018, and the couple welcomed a boy in 2019 and a girl earlier this year.

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