Neha Malik responds to Saba Faisal’s statement by stating, “Kick Her Out Of The Family.”

"Saba Faisal ",

The actor Saba Faisal announced lately that she had severed ties with her son Salman Faisal and his wife Neha Malik because she was “mentally tormenting” the family. Neha has something to say about the actor’s statement concerning this subject.

Neha advised, “Stay on the noble path no matter how difficult it gets or whether you feel like an outcast in virtually everything! “Remain strong enough to tolerate anything haram in any form; this world is, after all, fleeting.”

In addition, she wrote a tip in her tales for her admirers and her mother-in-law: “Never compare your life to that of someone who enjoys haram. They may appear to be more prosperous or have more pleasure than you, yet in the eyes of Allah, they are nothing. And that is what’s important.”

In the meantime, one of the social media users posted on her Instagram that she had no right to pass judgment on others. She responded, “And who am I to judge?” Halal and Haram are self-evident, and if you believe my post is directed at a specific individual, then “you” are judging.”

If she was speaking the truth, as another user inquired, she must leave the situation to Allah and concentrate on her actions. She said, “This message is addressed to all Muslims, including myself. I often believe that my life would be happier if I were interested in things that are popular now, but I constantly reminding myself that this world is a test.”