Malala and Priyanka unfollow Hasan Minhaj after he mocked a Pakistani activist.

"Priyanka Chopra",

Malala Yousafzai, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, may have once loved American comedian and writer Hasan Minhaj’s banter, but no more, especially after he made the Pakistani activist the subject of one of his jokes. Priyanka Chopra, who deemed Hasan’s behavior “petty” and unfollowed him on the photo-sharing platform, is a staunch ally of Malala against Hasan.

This social media backlash against the comedian arose after he posted a video in which he humorously criticized Malala for following him but not him, and hinted that he wouldn’t follow her either. Hasan expected her to share his sense of humor and continue the joke, but she found the remark offensive and finally stopped following him.

“Okay, it’s gettin’ outta hand Malala!” Hasan said on Instagram as he uploaded a video titled Malala Responds.

In describing the events that “upset” Malala, he stated, “On October 4, I made a joke about Nobel Peace Prize recipient Malala Yousafzai. I stated that I do not follow her on Instagram. The following day, on October 5th, she retaliated by asking who this individual was. She unfollowed me on Instagram rather than holding a runoff. I’m sorry, Malala, please rejoin me. I am uncertain if I will follow you. That petty am I.”

Although Malala may have removed him from her social media accounts, her supporters gave her his new video. She praised her followers for keeping an eye out for her and giving her the video, as she would not have discovered it otherwise.

Priyanka also used her Instagram Stories to express her support. “Same girl same, Malala! Guess he likes triviality over humor,” she wrote.

Hasan’s lighthearted banter cost him not only two public personalities, but also some supporters who agreed with Priyanka’s assessment that he was petty over the subject. They also remarked that all of this could be marketing for an impending performance. Another fan remarked, “This is an audition film for the Daily Show job. He is returning, y’all.”

Taking Malala’s side, a user said, “I appreciate your brand of humor, but this did not set well with me. She follows you because she finds you to be humorous. You should follow her because she has been fighting for the education rights of women around the globe. Unless you both perceive it and manipulate our emotions for greater engagement.”

Recently, Priyanka and Malala met at the Global Goals Awards at the United Nations General Assembly, where they took selfies and got to know each other better. “Can’t believe I met Priyanka Chopra!” Malala tweeted about her fan moment with the Quantico actress at the event.

Priyanka said, “Oh Malala, there are no adequate words. I can’t believe I met you! You are a little girl with so much heart and so many accomplishments. So proud.” The Baywatch beauty then posted the same image with a loving message to Malala on Instagram.

Priyanka stated, “I could write a novel about how intelligent, incredible, encouraging, and humorous this young woman is.” “But I will keep it brief. Malala, you are an irrefutable force with which to reckon. Everyone knows that. “You are an inspiration to all the girls and boys who aspire to make the world a better place in the future,” she added. She said, “After spending a few hours with you and your great father, Mr. Yousafzai (who reminds me so much of my own ather), I learned that you are also a young lady with youthful aspirations. Your humor, fondness for Hindi films, and contagious laughter will always remind me of the immense responsibility you’ve assumed at such a young age.”

Malala and Priyanka unfollow Hasan Minhaj after he mocked a Pakistani activist.

Malala Yousafzai, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, may have once loved American comedian and writer Hasan Minhaj’s banter, but no more, especially after he made the Pakistani activist the subject of one of his jokes. Priyanka Chopra, who deemed Hasan’s behavior “petty” and unfollowed him on the photo-sharing platform, is a staunch ally of Malala against Hasan.

This social media backlash against the comedian arose after he posted a video in which he humorously criticized Malala for following him but not him, and hinted that he wouldn’t follow her either. Hasan expected her to share his sense of humor and continue the joke, but she found the remark offensive and finally stopped following him.

“Okay, it’s gettin’ outta hand Malala!” Hasan said on Instagram as he uploaded a video titled Malala Responds.

In describing the events that “upset” Malala, he stated, “On October 4, I made a joke about Nobel Peace Prize recipient Malala Yousafzai. I stated that I do not follow her on Instagram. The following day, on October 5th, she retaliated by asking who this individual was. She unfollowed me on Instagram rather than holding a runoff. I’m sorry, Malala, please rejoin me. I am uncertain if I will follow you. That petty am I.”

Although Malala may have removed him from her social media accounts, her supporters gave her his new video. She praised her followers for keeping an eye out for her and giving her the video, as she would not have discovered it otherwise.

Priyanka also used her Instagram Stories to express her support. “Same girl same, Malala! Guess he likes triviality over humor,” she wrote.

Hasan’s lighthearted banter cost him not only two public personalities, but also some supporters who agreed with Priyanka’s assessment that he was petty over the subject. They also remarked that all of this could be marketing for an impending performance. Another fan remarked, “This is an audition film for the Daily Show job. He is returning, y’all.”

Taking Malala’s side, a user said, “I appreciate your brand of humor, but this did not set well with me. She follows you because she finds you to be humorous. You should follow her because she has been fighting for the education rights of women around the globe. Unless you both perceive it and manipulate our emotions for greater engagement.”

Recently, Priyanka and Malala met at the Global Goals Awards at the United Nations General Assembly, where they took selfies and got to know each other better. “Can’t believe I met Priyanka Chopra!” Malala tweeted about her fan moment with the Quantico actress at the event.

Priyanka said, “Oh Malala, there are no adequate words. I can’t believe I met you! You are a little girl with so much heart and so many accomplishments. So proud.” The Baywatch beauty then posted the same image with a loving message to Malala on Instagram.

Priyanka stated, “I could write a novel about how intelligent, incredible, encouraging, and humorous this young woman is.” “But I will keep it brief. Malala, you are an irrefutable force with which to reckon. Everyone knows that. “You are an inspiration to all the girls and boys who aspire to make the world a better place in the future,” she added. She said, “After spending a few hours with you and your great father, Mr. Yousafzai (who reminds me so much of my own father), I learned that you are also a young lady with youthful aspirations. Your humor, fondness for Hindi films, and contagious laughter will always remind me of the immense responsibility you’ve assumed at such a young age.”