Ahad Raza Mir’s Resident Evil Brave Scenes Video Is Criticized After Being Leaked

"Ahad Raza Mir",

Canadian-Pakistani actor Ahad Raza Mir features in an Urdu television series. Mir has made a career in Pakistan and has received multiple accolades, including the Lux Style Awards.

His first worldwide endeavor is the Netflix original series The Resident Evil. The show is now available on Netflix, and Ahad’s daring sequences have already generated a great deal of buzz on the internet.

People are offended by his provocative avatars, yet his admirers defend his risky scenes.

People were quite critical of Ahad Raza Mir’s reckless performances. He was shirtless in the scenes, and he also kissed another actor.

His defenders are receiving a lot of criticism from the general public, who say, “Shame on Ahad Raza Mir’s fans for defending his unsafe scenes; being an idol does not require you to defend everything they do.”

Many claims that if Mehwish Hayat, Mahira, and Sajal had committed such an act, the business community would have worked diligently to eliminate them. Many of Ahad’s admirers have expressed admiration for him, although they dislike this kissing scene.

People who formerly liked him say they dislike him now. People claim that a Pakistani actor who kisses will be a social media sensation. According to them, Ahad would surpass Imran Hashmi’s record.