“Rehbra is a movie that shouldn’t be missed”, said Fans.

" Rehbra Full Movie",

The rom-com Rehbra which was released on 24th June 2022 has managed to win the hearts of the Pakistani audiences and industry big wigs.

" Rehbra Full Movie",

The movie written by Amin Iqbal is said to be a fun ride with an ample dose of laughter and romance. Music by Imran Ali is foot tapping and highly enjoyable. Amin Iqbal’s direction is smooth and engages the audience till the very last scene. These are some of the comments made by the cinema goers and critics who have watched the film.

The fans have also said that they could relate with the movie storyline and its characters. The plot of the movie which revolves around a typical around how the universe works its magic through various routes to bring two souls together. The characters of Ayesha Omar and Ahsan Khan obviously soulmates, get to experience a wonderful journey of adventure, romance and courage drawing them closer to one another. This is a story of being soulmates and becoming each other’s Rehbra. Ahsan Khan with all the ingredients of a Pakistani super star i.e good looks, natural acting and effortless style and charisma. Female lead Ayesha Omer looks really gorgeous and stunning in the entire film and does full justice with her role. Veteran actors like Ghulam Mohuiddin and Saba Faisal take the movie to next level with their sheer expertise in the field of acting.

In a nutshell, Rehbra is a movie that shouldn’t be missed at any cost and is a perfect release. Producer of the movie Saira Afzal was happy when we contacted him to give us a comment on the response. The talented producer said, “We are highly humbled that the public and critics have appreciated our efforts. We are planning another movie soon”.

Rehbra is running successfully all over the country.

Watch it before it is too late.

Trailer link:

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