What is BMI and why is it significant?


Understanding how a specific term relates to healthy living, eating the proper foods, and weight loss are as vital as knowing the difference between carbohydrates and proteins. BMI is an indicator used in the medical field and the fitness business to determine whether a person has a healthy body mass index.

If you’ve heard of BMI but don’t know what it stands for or why it’s significant to you, here’s an explanation.

What exactly is BMI?

Body Mass Index (BMI) is the abbreviation for Body Mass Index. It is a measurement of the quantity of fat and is derived from the subject’s weight and height. Adults over the age of 20 use BMI to determine if they are at a healthy weight, underweight, or overweight.

BMI is used as an indicator to examine population-wide weight trends and to monitor an individual’s condition. It is a widely-used and acknowledged method within the medical community for identifying whether a person may have weight problems. Designed more than 150 years ago, it is a quick way to determine if you need to consider modifying what you eat and drink.
BMI is separated into some categories associated with the determined result. The classes include:
●     Underweight
●     Average weight
●     Overweight
●     Obesity
●     Extreme fatness
Why is BMI significant?
Your BMI can indicate whether you should gain or lose weight. The measurement is used to indicate whether certain medical disorders are more likely to be present. This includes cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and some malignancies.

What are the various ranges I need to be aware of?

You can use a chart to determine which category you fall into when you get your BMI score.

Alternatively, the classifications and BMI ranges are as follows:

  • Underweight: BMI of 18.5
  • BMI between 18.5-24.9
  • Obesity: BMI between 25 and 29.9
  • Obesity: BMI between 30 and 39.9
  • Extreme obesity: BMI or greater than 40

How can I determine my BMI?

To determine your BMI, you must know your height and weight in meters and kilograms (kg), respectively. Divide your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters. An outcome is a number that can be compared to a scale you can find online or by contacting your doctor’s office. If mathematics is not your strong suit, there are numerous online calculators with instantaneous results.

What should I do if the value is excessively high or low?

If your results indicate that you are underweight, overweight, or obese, discuss your options with your doctor. There are numerous methods to alter your diet, and with guidance, you can begin to transition to a BMI within the normal range. Regardless of whatever group you belong to, making minor adjustments to your food choices will always contribute to creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and help prevent the start of many preventable diseases.